September 11 means something very different to the Chilean people than it does to those of us in the US. On that date in 1973, Chile's democratically-elected - but Marxist - president, Salvador Allende, was removed from power by a coup, and in the process either committed suicide or was murdered. In his place stepped Augusto Pinochet, one of the vilest dictators of the late 20th century, who held power until 1990. During his reign, thousands were "disappeared" - vanishing into thin air to face torture, imprisonment, and often ejection from a plane over the ocean.
However, the matter is even more complicated for those of us in the USA. While often speculated at the time, declassified documents have emerged in recent years that confirm the CIA's role in supporting the coup. Cold War concerns drove the Nixon administration (and others, certainly) to wield a heavy hand in many places, particularly Latin America. On its own 9/11, Chile received the brunt of that hand.
Things were even worse in Argentina, where the numbers of disappeared exceed 30,000. Despite a shorter duration, only lasting from 1976-1983, the military dictatorship was brutally efficient in crippling the perceived Montonero threat.
The two countries, along with others in southern South America, worked together to quash dissidents through Operation Condor. While primarily focused on left-wing agitators, all manner of political critics fell under its sway, victims of torture and assassination. Through the School of the Americas, the US provided crucial training and support to Operation Condor.
We will be adding the following to this page:
Trip Report: Follow us through Chile and Argentina as we document our conversations and visits along the way.
Local Organizations: A list of organizations we either met with during our trip or hope to speak with in the future.
Argentine Detention Centers: An overview of the major ex-Clandestine Centers of Detention, Torture, and Execution in Buenos Aires with advice on visiting them.
Annotated Bibliography: The most useful books we have read in preparation for the trip.
Other Resources: Assorted links to helpful sites.